Study background

Who designed the study?

The study is led by Professor Clare Wall and was designed by researchers at Waipapa Taumata Rau – University of Auckland, AgResearch (Palmerston North), Riddet Institute (Massey University), Plant and Food Research and Otago University. The study has received funding as part of the National Science Challenge – High Value Nutrition (


What is the purpose of the study?

We know the human gut microbiome (gut bacteria) plays an important role in our health. Babies are initially born with few gut bacteria, which are subsequently influenced by delivery, milk feeding, and environment during the first months of life. The purpose of the SMILEY study is to compare the impact of consuming an infant oat-sheep milk product with an infant oat-cow milk product on the infant gut bacteria.  We are also interested in exploring how the changes in microbiota may impact on digestive comfort and sleep.